fredag 31. august 2012

Friday was a bright day

This morning I was sitting at home; since I had decided to stay home from school, after had waking up with a terrible cold. I hadn't gotten much sleep either and was drinking tee and relaxing, trying to boost my health and get better fast...
This must have worked pretty well, because later in the day I was feeling a bit better. Therefore I decided to go outside for some fresh air. It turned out to be quite warm outside and pretty sunny as well. Let's just say it didn't take long before I had to run back inside and get my camera.

This might be the last day of this years summer... At least now I have some wonderful photos to remember them by. 

torsdag 30. august 2012

An Eggcellent task

Hello again guys... or girls, of the internett!
Today we started up on our first real photo project. The task sounded simple enough, we were going to take pictures of eggs. You heard me right, eggs. The main focus in the pictures was going to be light, bright light, warm light, cold ligt and so on.
Me, Lars and Trond Arne joined together as a group, and here are some of the photos we ended up with.

The first photo was taken right outside our school. It was pretty clouded so I decided to turn on a outdoor filter (for clouded weather) on my camera, wich is supposed to soften the colors of the photo.
I really like this photo, the light is darkened, and even though the egg doesn't really stand out, I think the contrast between light and shadow still turned out quite good.
I also liked how the composition of the photo came together, with the straight lines going towards the egg.

The second photo was the first one we took. It's taken inside our classroom with artificial lighting, wich I think makes it a very warm photograph. It's very simple, and with the different shades of grey in the background the egg stands out even more. I also love the fact that the contrast between light and shadow is so visible. The bright light shining on the top of the egg, creates a much darker shadow underneath.

In the last photo we focused more on the composition then the lighting (but the lighting turned out great to though)
I wanted to get a photo of a group of eggs, showing different shadows.
And realised that putting them in a small puddle of water wouldn't just create shadows, but also reflections. Combined with the ripples in the surface of the water, it almost looks like the eggs are floating.

torsdag 23. august 2012

As we are about to start

This is my new art and photo blog.
It's part of a school project, but I'm probably be going to use it on my spare time to.
I will be posting everything from drawings, sketches, photos and paintings.
Hopefully you're gonna enjoy it as much as me, and you're gonna hear more from me soon.

And as a starter, here is a photo from when we were out taking pictures in the local park for a different art projekt.
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